Yesterday, I put my pants on. They were wet. We'd turned on the AC late at night because the weather has turned stiflingly hot, and shut the door to the patio - forgetting that we'd just gotten a cat and the litterbox was outside. The cat had peed in my pants. Nearly 12 hours later, when we were rushing to pack some things for the moving truck I'd demanded we call (Funky wanted to wait so we could pack things more carefully) we discovered that the cat had also pooped in Funky's bag. She'd just had a wisdom tooth pulled so all in all, a bad weekend for Funky.
The cat, incidentally, has temporarily replaced the dog I've been wanting to get. A foreigner had her and she needed a home asap... we saved her from being put to sleep. She's not a bad cat, but dogs are better.
Today I locked myself out of my apartment, and the spare key isn't hidden like it should be. In the past I've gone up to the top floor, climbed across the roof and landed on the upstairs balcony to get in. I tried this again, but the people who live in the upstairs apartment were there. They thought I was a prowler and chased after me. I couldn't convince them that I really did live there and had forgotten my keys. I was carrying a load of stuff to take to my new house and they thought I'd stolen it. I managed to get away... but I'm still keyless, my cellphone is inside as well, so I'm just waiting until I can hopefully meet up with my roomate and get him to let me in.
I do have a paper due tomorrow, and I did bring my laptop and the sources I need, so I'm at a nice cafe where I can work on it.
I've been awfully busy. I went to the dentist again today - she's been trying for weeks to finish up a root canal (the nerve is deep...makes the place under my nose feel funny). I also went to the hospital to finish the health check I need for the part-time job I'm going to start. I was there for an hour, running around, talking to a dozen people, before finding the two important people with the special stamps that I needed stamped. (One behind the cashier counter, and one in the mail room.) I hate that place.
Did I mention its really hot? The new house doesn't have any AC's yet...I'll have to buy some. It is looking better though.