Tuesday, January 4, 2011

7 book publishing, book cover design, professional blogging and marketing tactics that rock.

Ok I lied. I don't have a list of 7 awesome tips for you to follow. What I'm learning is hundreds of invaluable tips for making money online, which is what I've been working on recently, that I thought I should post as I haven't updated this blog in forever (sorry for that, my two followers).

My main blog is holyblasphemy.net, which I'm struggling to make popular and successful, so that I can launch the **** out of my new book, Jesus Potter Harry Christ: The Fascinating History of the Literary Jesus. Although I'm excited with these projects and would gladly lock myself at home at eat instant noodles to work on them, unfortunately I have to go to class (for my PHD in Literature) and work part-time... and then worry about money because I'm not making enough.

Luckily some of the online marketing tips I've been getting (just bought a couple awesome packages on book marketing) have given me some great ideas. Rather than simply offering editing and proofreading services, for example, I've also put a couple packages together for affordable, professional book cover design and book cover formatting services, as well as marketing services for self-published authors.

Which, dammit, I should've been doing a long time ago. I've gotten pretty freaking comfortable with photoshop and indesign and I know a lot about book marketing and promotion (not that it's easy... but I'm learning). After I finish making my own book an amazon best seller, I'll put out an ebook about how to do the same thing and charge lots of money for it.

Oh yeah - apart from all this, soon I'll be setting up a blog devoted to learning Chinese in 90 days, which I'll do this summer. Before my next birthday (about a year) I plan to be making $3000 a month in passive income... or, at least, in service-related income.