Friday, April 13, 2007

Foreigner for sale

I started a new part time job tonight - exactly what I wanted, 5 hours a week Wed/Fri evenings only, conversation classes with adults. I can choose any topic I want, prepare my own's fabulous. After I finished, Funky told me she'd seen a girl near the train station passing out fliers and yelling "We have Foreigners! Come talk to a real foreign person in English! First class is free!" She thinks it was probably even the same school I teach at, but there are lots of schools in that area. On another street corner is a fruit stand; the owner always stands out by the street wearing a headset with a microphone and amplifier, and yells the prices of oranges and bananas at the scooters waiting for the red lights.

Incidentally, for this job that I think is pretty good, it would take Funky 15 hours of work to make what I get paid in 2 1/2.

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