Oh yes, it's an exciting year. I'll admit, I'm an awful blogger. It's a skill I'd like to develop. Luckily, I'm a damn good writer and a pretty interesting person. Next week I'm giving a speech about my art to 100+ undergraduate art students to open my art exhibition at NCKU. Frankly, that's amazing. In a few years (or sooner!) I'll be selling my paintings for thousands of dollars - and even if I don't, as an 'emerging artist' I can take advantage of some amazing art residency programs all over the world. I have my eye on one in Japan right now - a beautiful, huge studio space for 3 months ending with an exhibition. Wouldn't I love to do one of those every year!!
And fortunately, my paintings are unique, striking, interesting... and novel enough to stand out which is a pretty good thing.

Ok - they're strange. But they're the kind of thing that makes people think I must have some kind of vision or message. People want to know "WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!" and look to me to supply answers. That's a strong position to be in. What does it mean? Only that I have a sardonic, dark sense of humor and anti-religious tendencies.
Anyway - visit my art blog at
www.derekmurphyart.com to see all my paintings!
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