I have two art exhibitions going up in Taiwan. The first is at Alleycats HuaShan in Taipei. It's a nice art area made from a previous wine factory. Stop by to see the paintings and eat some pizza. It will be open until early June, the flier is up above.
謬象 德瑞克。墨菲
開幕派對 4/25 (日)8-10PM
巷貓 – 華山店:
The next is in Kaohsiung, at the Warehouse art gallery. This is near Pier 2, also an artistic area, with some great galleries and art stuff. If you're in Taiwan and want to see some contemporary art or surreal oil paintings, please stop by to see my art exhibitions.
德瑞克墨菲 (Derek Murphy)
展覽將於 5/15 (六) 晚上6~9:30隆重開幕
地址: 鹽埕區莒光街67號, 靠近捷運鹽埕埔站
You can see more of my work at www.derekmurphyart.com

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