Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Where can I find a book cover designer? Creative book cover design

Hello, stray wanderer of the interweb. You've found a blog that I rarely use anymore. My name is Derek Murphy, and I do many things, including getting my PhD in Literature, Writing Books and Oil Painting. I'm in Taiwan working on developing my triple career and slowly building my credibility, skills, experience and resume.

Recently I've branched out to do book cover design as well. I'm comfortable enough with photoshop to do pretty good work. Within the price range ($100~$300) I may even be one of the best. So if you're looking for creative book cover designs or a stunning, professional cover for your book or ebook, come check it out!

Thanks, Derek Murphy

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

7 book publishing, book cover design, professional blogging and marketing tactics that rock.

Ok I lied. I don't have a list of 7 awesome tips for you to follow. What I'm learning is hundreds of invaluable tips for making money online, which is what I've been working on recently, that I thought I should post as I haven't updated this blog in forever (sorry for that, my two followers).

My main blog is, which I'm struggling to make popular and successful, so that I can launch the **** out of my new book, Jesus Potter Harry Christ: The Fascinating History of the Literary Jesus. Although I'm excited with these projects and would gladly lock myself at home at eat instant noodles to work on them, unfortunately I have to go to class (for my PHD in Literature) and work part-time... and then worry about money because I'm not making enough.

Luckily some of the online marketing tips I've been getting (just bought a couple awesome packages on book marketing) have given me some great ideas. Rather than simply offering editing and proofreading services, for example, I've also put a couple packages together for affordable, professional book cover design and book cover formatting services, as well as marketing services for self-published authors.

Which, dammit, I should've been doing a long time ago. I've gotten pretty freaking comfortable with photoshop and indesign and I know a lot about book marketing and promotion (not that it's easy... but I'm learning). After I finish making my own book an amazon best seller, I'll put out an ebook about how to do the same thing and charge lots of money for it.

Oh yeah - apart from all this, soon I'll be setting up a blog devoted to learning Chinese in 90 days, which I'll do this summer. Before my next birthday (about a year) I plan to be making $3000 a month in passive income... or, at least, in service-related income.