Friday, December 3, 2021

How to self-publish a book

 I've spent the last decade self-publishing and making a living with my writing, but it's gotten harder and more competitive. I have 3 free guides to self-publishing on my website, and the basics don't really change - you need a great cover, blurb and reviews - but it's gotten more competitive than ever. 

You can still profit from self-publishing on amazon, but it's going to take a lot of work, and investment of time and money. It's extremely rewarding - when you see progress - but demotivating when it feels like you're wasting time and spinning your wheels.

It doesn't have to be expensive, if you grab my DIY book design templates, but for real results you should consider paying for quality. However, don't assume you can just pay someone to make your book a success, that's something nobody else can do but you, and it often starts much earlier than publishing.

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