Monday, April 2, 2007

Swimming Lessons

Today Funky and I went to the nearby Spa. I haven't been for a long time, but its a really nice place with scented hot water pools, lots of pressurized water jets and fun things to play with. Every time I leave that place I feel completely relaxed and ready for bed. I wanted to teach Funky to swim, because she says she wants to surf but has a morbid fear of water. I had lots of suggestions - I demonstrated front crawl, breast stroke and even doggiepaddling, but she refused to take her feet of the ground and even float in the water.

Every time her head went under she'd freak out and scream and start choking on the water; and this is in less than 4 feet of water. I tried to get her to just hold her breath underwater, or better yet, breathe in, then breathe out underwater...but her paranoia was overwhelming. Most Taiwanese can't swim. When Funky grew up, her parents told her "Don't play in the water, water is dangerous, it will kill you, you will drown and suffer horribly", passing on an inheritance of Hydrophobia. Next time, I'll buy her a flotation board.

1 comment:

HouseSmarts Howie said...


I just wrote you both a long response about swimming, Funky's photo, and exploring the world, Tawain being of great interest! But because I didn't have a Google account, I am starting over and NOW I don't have any more time to write.

Both of you be safe, take care...Enjoy!
Do you celebrate the rising of Christ?

HouseSmarts Howie